Information For Authors

Are you interested in publishing in the magazine? It is recommended to review the following sections: About the journal, Journal policies, Ethical criteria of the journal, Evaluation process, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors must register with the journal before submitting the publication or, if they're already registered, they can simply log in and begin the five-step process.


Manuscripts (articles) must be submitted via the OJS-USAT portal of the journal "Apuntes de Bioetica" attaching the following documents:

  1. Presentation letter addressed to the General Editor of "TEKNUSAT" Magazine, signed by the corresponding author, requesting the evaluation to be considered for publication. And simple sworn statement where it declares to be an unpublished article, conflict of interest, among other aspects necessary for publication. Download [ PRESENTATION LETTER AND SIMPLE SWORN STATEMENT]

  2. Informative data of the article. Download [ INFORMATIVE DATA ]

  3. Article in full text. If it is a research article download [ RESEARCH ARTICLE TEMPLATE ] 

  4. If the article has figures in png, jpeg or gif format; You must attach them in a resolution that guarantees the quality of the image; this is necessary for the layout of the article in XML

    Submit an article giving  clic here

The scientific magazine "TEKNUSAT" solo acepta artículos que versan sobre topics of interest of the journal which can be presented in the form of:
  • Research article: Unpublished and state-of-the-art article, in Spanish and English, publishes original articles derived from the results of scientific research and experimental or simulation studies of engineering sciences, technology and related disciplines.

Category Investigation article
Article title: maximum number of words 20
Maximum number of authors 5
Article Abstract: maximum number of words 250
Article content: maximum number of words Between 4,000 and 6,000
Bibliographic References: minimum requirement to be cited 30 citations from reliable information sources such as Scopus, Web of Science, SciELO or other publishers
Keywords Between 3 and 5
Peer review YES
  • Title (Spanish and English)

  • Abstract and keywords (Spanish and English)

  • Introduction

  • Material and method

  • Results

  • Discussion

  • Conclusions

  • References

Download template [ WORD ]

Regarding the maximum number of tables and/or figures, you are advised to consider four of these elements as an adequate number. However, if you consider that the inclusion of more figures is necessary for the understanding of the article, you can do so.


  • ll figures must be submitted through the OJS system, they must be at least 600px wide.

  • All figures must be inserted within the content of the article in the place they are cited.

  • Screenshots of images that do not follow the indicated quality guidelines are not accepted.


  • Images inserted as tables are not accepted.

  • All tables must be inserted within the content of the article in the place they are cited.


  • Follow the citation style of the latest edition of  IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

  • We suggest the use of reference managers such as Mendeley or  Zotero to manage your references and obtain their format quickly.