¿Design Thinking para las escuelas de formación profesional?

Descubriendo un enfoque innovador mediante su prueba en la formación del profesorado

  • Marc Krüger
  • Maria Victoria Cejas Sainz
Keywords: Action Research, Design Thinking, , Innovation and School Development, Teacher Education, Vocational Education and Training


El objetivo del artículo es someter a prueba la utilidad del Design Thinking o Pensamiento de Diseño para la formación profesional mediante su uso en la formación del profesorado. Ante su constante difusión como método de innovación y resolución de problemas en contextos como empresas u organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, se plantea la cuestión acerca de hasta qué punto su uso puede ser beneficioso en ámbitos educativos, como la enseñanza de formación profesional, para fines tales como la mejora de los planes de estudios y el desarrollo escolar, así como para hacer frente el día a día estudiantil. Se evalúo  la importancia del Pensamiento de Diseño en las escuelas de formación profesional, a estudiantes  del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de la Münster University of Applied Sciences y se abordaron  con este enfoque cuestiones relacionadas con centros de formación profesional. Se concluye acerca de la importancia de la formación en Pensamiento de Diseño de profesores como una herramienta  activa, por un lado, para fomentar la transferencia de conocimientos técnicos en las escuelas de formación profesional, y por otro, para afrontar la vida escolar cotidiana.


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Author Biography

Marc Krüger

10.16 - today
Professor (W2) for life at the Institute for Vocational Teacher Education at Münster University of Applied Sciences, appointed for the teaching area "Subject and Technology Didactics". Tasks: Teaching in the BK teaching program with a focus on the vocational specializations of construction, electrical, information, mechanical engineering technology and media design/design technology.

Call for a professorship (W2) for life for the teaching area "Pedagogy for vocational schools and further education" at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences *rejected.*

06.14 - 09.16
Professor (W2) for life at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Science and Culture Center (WiKu) for the teaching area "Educational Science, Didactics, Scientific Methodology". Tasks: Teaching, Dean of Studies, Scientific monitoring of the BMBF project "The Coburg Way", Head of COdidactics.

07.08 - 05.14
Scientific employee (permanent position) at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Central Institution for Continuing Education, eLearning Service Department. Tasks: Consulting and training of university lecturers, research and development, teaching, head of didactics.
09.02 - 06.08
Research assistant at Leibniz University of Hannover, Research Center L3S as well as Institute for Communication Technology. Tasks: Research on teaching and learning with digital media, teaching for engineers and vocational school teachers in electrical engineering.

09.01 - 08.02
Technical employee at Leibniz University Hannover at the Institute for Communication Technology. Tasks: Development of didactic concepts for digital learning technologies
07.94 - 08.94
Supervisor in cable construction at Siemens AG (ETSI), Manila (Philippines)
02.93 - 07.93
Telecommunication cable assembler (permanent position) at the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom, Telecommunication Office Rostock

Summer semester 05 - winter semester 10/11
Doctorate in pedagogy at the University of the
Bundeswehr Munich with Prof. Dr. Gabi Reinmann. Topic: "Self-directed and cooperative learning with lecture recordings". Degree: Dr. phil.
WiSe 99/00 - SoSe 02
Studies of teaching profession for vocational schools (subject electrical engineering, second subject German) at the University of Hannover. Graduation: Dipl.-Berufspädagoge (vocational teacher)
Winter semester 94/95 - Summer semester 99
Studies of electrical engineering with focus on communications engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Ostfriesland in Emden. Degree: Dipl.-Ingenieur (FH)


Summer semester 99
Diploma thesis at EWE TEL GmbH in Oldenburg, topic: "Organizational structure and technical realization of a network management center".

WiSe 98/99
Semester abroad at the Escuela Universitaria Ingenieria Tecnica Industrial in San Sebastian (Spain)

09.89 - 02.93
Apprenticeship as telecommunication electronics technician at the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom, Telecommunications Office Oldenburg
08.93 - 06.94
Technical college entrance qualification at the vocational schools in the technical secondary school in Meppen
08.85 - 06.89
Secondary school leaving certificate I at the Realschule of the Johannesschule in Meppen

How to Cite
Krüger, M., & Cejas Sainz, M. V. (2022). ¿Design Thinking para las escuelas de formación profesional? Descubriendo un enfoque innovador mediante su prueba en la formación del profesorado. EDUCARE ET COMUNICARE Revista De investigación De La Facultad De Humanidades, 10(1), 20-27. https://doi.org/10.35383/educare.v10i1.709