Attitude, responsability or tecnic: Case study of research competencias in fifth year high school students.

  • Zaby Evelyn Zapata Salamanca UNJBG/UGEL-Tacna
  • Jesús Matilde Vargas Burga I.E. 42003 Crnl. Gregorio Albarracín – Tacna
  • Lourdes Peña Condori Universidad César Vallejo, Chiclayo- Perú
  • Jaqueline Marisol Encinas Copa
  • Haydeé Gladys Condori Luque
Keywords: research competencies, high school students, school responsibility


This article reflects on the need to rethink the teaching of research competence in students of regular basic education. This is based on a mixed study based on interviews and surveys carried out with fifth-grade students at the secondary level in an educational institution in the city of Tacna (Peru) who demonstrated that they possess technical investigative competencies, but a lesser consolidation of the related generic competencies. to your perception of what responsibility means. The results show a direct influence between their attitudes and their achievements in the face of research. In addition, given the scarce national academic production in terms of research competences in students of that level, this text provides scientific evidence to deepen the knowledge of how are the acquired capacities in terms of research with which high school students graduate, and thus propose strategies to strengthen their investigative skills.

Keywords: Scientific method; motivation; innovation; change.


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How to Cite
Zapata Salamanca, Z. E., Vargas Burga, J. M., Peña Condori, L., Encinas Copa, J. M., & Condori Luque , H. G. (2021). Attitude, responsability or tecnic: Case study of research competencias in fifth year high school students. EDUCARE ET COMUNICARE Revista De investigación De La Facultad De Humanidades, 9(1), 39-46.