Effectiveness of simulated training in nursing students: A systematic review
Objective: Analyze the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of simulated training in nursing students. Method: Through a search for original articles between the years 2015 to 2023 in the PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science and BVS databases, in Spanish, Portuguese and English, using the terms “nursing teachers”, “simulated training” and “nursing students”. Main results: After collecting, analyzing and filtering the research were framed in the following themes: application of simulators, the most used, the advantages, challenges and their usefulness in universities. General conclusion: The application of clinical simulators in teaching turns out to be an effective, attractive and updating strategy for nursing students, the most used are the low fidelity ones; The advantages are the development of reflective thinking and psychomotor skills of students, which improves their safety and that of the patient; The challenges to overcome are the high costs in its acquisition and maintenance, poor practice by teachers in its use and experiences of stress in the student; Their usefulness in universities is broad but limited as they are not included in the curriculum as part of the laboratory and there are teachers who are not trained in their use.
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Los artículos publicados por la revista científica "Acc Cietna: para el cuidado de la salud" de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Chiclayo, Perú están sujetos a una licencia internacional Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0.