
En un recorrido panorámico tanto por las instituciones donde se forman y trabajan los profesionales de enfermería como en los servicios hospitalarios y las comunidades en las cuales prestan servicios, evidenciamos el despliegue competente de conocimientos y habilidades para salvaguardar la vida y enseñar a salvaguardarla. Esta es la exigencia fundamental para un futuro próximo asegurar profesionales debidamente formados para esta función. Pues, servir al cuidado y enseñar cómo realizarlo forman parte de la constante preocupación por quienes dirigen la enfermería en todos los tiempos, más aún hoy.

Palabras clave: Enfermería, cuidado, esperanza.


On a panoramic tour of both the institutions where nursing professionals are trained and work along with the hospital services and communities in which they serve, evidence of the insightful knowledge and skills to safeguard life are taught. These are fundamental requirements needed to assure to a better future by professionals duly trained for this function. More than ever before, administering care and teaching how to do it are constant concerns for those who run the infirmary.

The reality that essentially contains the requirement of a qualified formation of care is the sick person and nursing professionals who seek with scientific, humanistic, and ethical effort. Many nurses will also say that even with technological limitations, limited staff, and without due consideration of labor, they seek to meet the needs of sick people in a holistic way to propose their well-being or to save their lives.

Circumstances, also assumed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which have been proposed to declare the next year, 2020, as the Year of Nursing include the date on which the bicentenary of the birth of Florence Nightingale is celebrated and the aim is to enhance nursing contributions to society. This initiative will help to give prominence to the need for properly trained nurses and, on the other hand, the help formulate other retention and recruitment strategies that result in the removal of impediments to professional development. This will also benefit the role of nursing, both in the present and in the past, and will also enhance its role in the political field1.

High-level impact decisions that all nurses around the world are extremely happy about is that they have contributed and or are contributing so that their care can truly relieve pain and suffering, ensure the life, protect the dignity of, inspiring with ethical political research in the interests of the family, and the most vulnerable or comforting before the eminence of death of each person in their care. All of this happens with small advances always opting for the health and life of the person.

Here are some nursing prerogatives for the coming years:

The charm of person-centered care by the hands of nurses who have always cared for the sick person. These prerogatives are represented by a frail premature baby dependent on a mechanical ventilator, a teenager who has just been transplanted by cadaveric donation, by a parent who depends on a dialyzer, and could continue to list care settings where the person is a privileged care gift and center 365 days a year2.

Nursing has a centralized orientation to the person. This paradigm has led to serious research on the centrality of the sick person as a person, his dignity, and inalienable rights without distinction of any kind. On the contrary, your being and doing brings therapeutic relationships, and communication where it is possible to know the emotional experiences of the patient. To show his family crisis, the reactions of their corporeality to the pathology insult or as many nursing authors express giving a voice of encouragement to those who have lost the meaning of life, of the family or of themselves; convictions that lead to the defense of the personal dimension of the patient as fundamental for the increase of humanization in nursing in their working environments3.

The nurses have constantly at their side, less than five meters away, patients in ICU, emergency, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgery, medicine, and a field where they deploy their skills to cope, and solve in team, the total and comprehensive health situation of each patient. They grow up in the face of difficulties, because they are stimulated by the care, will, and tendency. Even if circumstances limit them, they go to meeting the other with the desire of restore, save, and protect their life with joy.

Just a smile changes the landscape of a teenager or older person besieged by pain, can contribute to the decrease of sanitary individualism, with sincere gift of self and fascination for the person in each act of care.

The co-participation of nursing, the development of the sciences of care is gaining weight and visibility in society at local and global level in its evident demands to promote health, prevent disease, restoring health, alleviating suffering, actions that denote nursing as a universally necessary profession whose recognition and visibility reach all levels4.

Currently there is global interest in disinterested nursing actions: practice of theoretical knowledge, research, teaching, leadership, professional development to improve patient health.

I believe that, despite the various constraints, in the national context, nursing is ready to respond to and manage life-long care needs, for which it renews its efforts, it updates skills with the aim of contributing to the achievement of universal health with projections for 2030, from the contributions of every Lambayecano nurse and from the different regions of Peru and the world that works every day with professional enthusiasm, with effort, with successful responses supported by the fact that the acts performed are the right ones, protected, timely, analyzable and generators of well-being because they satisfy needs and create health5,6.

Creating bridges in the interculturality of care, nursing is one of the professions that chooses to welcome the multicultural reality in a positive way, generating observation and in-depth research on intercultural dialogue and care for which has fostered mutual knowledge and learning, has generated attitudes of respect and recognition in the face of the inevitable disagreement; because, it understands that each culture gives the best of itself and especially becomes aware of what the value of peace means, recognizing in the other, whether patient or family the value of diversity, with mutual recognition of being people not because they have a price, but because they have dignity; and with it the right to be different with friendly, indisputable and transformative cultural care practices7.

In a panoramic tour that nurses do around the world and that we mentioned at the beginning, they are acting with personal decisions, opening up spaces of interculturality by establishing networks, bridges and initiatives of fraternal and intercultural union with hospital services, public and private educational institutions, community and families above all, as a primary axis in the strengthening of health systems, so that there can be progress and in a hopeful future, health access for all will become a reality.

All these aspects and facts must be duly investigated and documented in order to be visible to all as a multiplier effect that helps to lead the new spaces that will be rushed for the benefit of the most vulnerable people.

Nursing in its scientific and clinical work deserves to be recognized and valued in its contributions, and it is filled with pride as it contemplates its nurses who fight with responsible freedom to reach the sites that belong to them and from there, generate benefits for humanity.

Keywords: Nursing, Care, Hope


  1. Cassiani SHB, Lira Neto JCG. Nursing Perspectives and the “Nursing Now” Campaign. Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2018; 71(5):2351-2. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167.2018710501
  2. Escobar-Castellanos B., Cid-Henriquez P. El cuidado de enfermería y la ética derivados del avance tecnológico en salud. Acta bioeth. [Internet]. 2018 Jun [citado 3/10/19]; 24(1): 39-46. DOI:
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  6. Gamboa-Bernal GA. Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos: ¿más pena que gloria? Pers Bioet. 2019; 23(1): 6-13. DOI:
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