The communication of the nursing professional with patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a public hospital in Chiclayo, 2021

Keywords: Communication (D003142), Nursing (D009729), Patients (D010361), COVID-19 (D018352)


Objective: Describe, analyze and understand the communication of the nursing professional with patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a public hospital in Chiclayo, 2021. Method: Qualitative research, with a descriptive approach. The population was made up of 14 nursing professionals who work in the COVID area of the Lambayeque Regional Hospital; the sample was determined by saturation and redundancy criteria and non-probabilistic snowball sampling. For data collection, the semi-structured online interview was used, which was validated by expert judgment and subjected to a pilot test. The data were analyzed through thematic analysis; respecting ethical criteria and scientific rigor. Main results: The following categories were obtained: 1) Barriers that interfere in the communication of the nurse with the patient with COVID-19, 2) Repercussion of the emotional state in the communication between the nurse and patient with COVID-19, 3) Strategies to improve the communication with the COVID-19 patient and family. Overall conclusion: The use of personal protective equipment by the nurse is a barrier to communication with the patient with COVID-19; It is also evident that the patient is afraid of the disease and the nursing professionals fear contagion, which is why communication is distant.


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How to Cite
Pacheco Sanchez, P. B., & Saavedra Covarrubia, M. E. (2022). The communication of the nursing professional with patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a public hospital in Chiclayo, 2021. ACC CIETNA: Revista De La Escuela De Enfermería, 9(1), 93 - 107.