
In today's nursing, experience, updating, humanity and ethics are accompanied by a fruitful work with a promising future, like an unfading torch that illuminates the often dark and difficult path of the sick, convalescent or dying person. The nursing staff possesses a great deal of temperament, characteristic of those who have combined professional knowledge and ethical courage when providing care to people or groups vulnerable due to age, illness or those who need permanent guidance, such as families, adolescents and older adults, carriers of genetic or acquired comorbidities.


The nursing staff possesses a great deal of temperament, characteristic of those who have combined professional knowledge and ethical courage 1 when providing care to people or groups vulnerable due to age, illness or those who need permanent guidance, such as families, adolescents and older adults, carriers of genetic or acquired comorbidities.

The mission of its work is rooted in an irreplaceable way by the friendship and therapeutic relationship with sick people, by providing comprehensive care, valuing them and applying their skills to distinguish their health needs and through effective plans to know how to solve them, with assertive caregiving interventions to recover the suffering corporeality in favor of the discharge, preceded by continuous education, which guarantees the total recovery at home, leading them to fundamental global transformations, such as labor recovery, family life, social spaces or academic work stopped by the disease 2.

In diverse situations and circumstances, nurses with years of uninterrupted work, are highly conscious that they must be setting the pace in being and actions for other younger professionals who, as is known, carry with them stops and advances in days and years of intense work, study and research but with their eyes always fixed on the goal of caring and advocating for personal dignity, acts supported with great firmness by philosophy, theories and diagnoses that underpin nursing and practiced by nurses around the world in calm contexts or full of adversities such as the past pandemic, with the sole purpose of promoting health, life, without exclusions or omissions in care, since the nurses themselves know that the expertise of their hands is related to the good practiced, with moral conviction to emphasize and reorient the thinking of health as a great concern rigorously human 3,4 .

Moral convictions allow us to grow in humanity with the expression of virtues rooted in offering care, such as compassion, mercy and sensitivity to the suffering being or the misplaced adolescent, alone and without fixed goals, or to the defenseless premature infant who requires maternal warmth. For this reason, humanity is built up until it becomes a moral capital characterized by good character and the rooting of virtues, obtained in continuous integral care, not at times or on certain days, but every time we are in front of the sick or the person who needs us, and nursing professionals become more interested in the problems, more discerning of the needs 3, This is why it is necessary to recognize that sometimes more unity is needed, preceded by friendly treatment among colleagues, and to avoid at all costs disunity with indifferent treatment, routine professional practice, little empathy, aspects that should be removed from professional practice and from life itself.  Rather, opt for unity, joint improvement, shared leadership, with the purpose of obtaining the programmed goals, supporting with authenticity what other nursing professionals did to reach each level where we are now, and even achieve better ones.

What are those even better goals in Nursing? Those that plan the meaning of the noble profession that we have assumed. Every nursing professional one day committed himself with a Yes! with convictions to take care of the life and suffering of people, simultaneously with the care of therapies, as well as with education, without omitting the spiritual experience, because by assuming it, the strength is renewed in the face of the seriousness of situations or problems that are faced in the services and classrooms or outside these. 

In these circumstances, nursing professionals in the task of care and unfading torch to watch over others, need to be recognized and valued by society in general, with laudable stipends, work in friendly environments, and receive ongoing and updated education at the forefront of scientific progress, paradigm shifts, humanity, ethics and spirituality, in addition to the great concern to restore health and alleviate suffering in general 4.

The key to rooting knowledge, nobility and ethics in care as a human service, is the affection for the sick person, in contact with them nursing professionals discover their shortcomings, and what they need to acquire to be true heralds of humanity. In this way, it will be possible to bring about changes by replacing a unidimensional vision of health in general 4 with a much more positive and broad socio-ecological, multidimensional vision, which has the potential to have an effective impact on the way in which social, economic and political decisions are made in favor of the most vulnerable.


  1. Heggestad AKT, Konow-Lund A-S, Christiansen B, Nortvedt P. A vulnerable journey towards professional empathy and moral courage. Nurs Ethics [Internet]. 2022; 29(4): 927–37. Disponible en:
  2. Tzavaras P, Stelios S. “Digital virtues”? Aristotelian Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. J Adv Res Leadersh [Internet]. 2022; 1(2): 1–8. Disponible en:
  3. Lategan LOK, van Zyl GJ, Kruger WH. What is public health ethics for the geriatric community? Health SA Gesondheid [Internet]. 2022; 27: 1824. Disponible en:
  4. Rosa W. A New Era in global health: Nursing and the United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Rosa W, editor. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2017. Disponible en:


  1. Heggestad AKT, Konow-Lund A-S, Christiansen B, Nortvedt P. A vulnerable journey towards professional empathy and moral courage. Nurs Ethics [Internet]. 2022;29(4):927–37. Disponible en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/09697330221074013
  2. Tzavaras P, Stelios S. “Digital virtues”? Aristotelian Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. J Adv Res Leadersh [Internet]. 2022;1(2):1–8. Disponible en: http://dx.doi.org/10.33422/jarl.v1i2.148
  3. Lategan LOK, van Zyl GJ, Kruger WH. What is public health ethics for the geriatric community? Health SA Gesondheid [Internet]. 2022;27:1824. Disponible en: http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v27i0.1824
  4. Rosa W. A New Era in global health: Nursing and the united nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Rosa W, editor. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2017. Disponible en: https://connect.springerpub.com/content/book/978-0-8261-9012-3/chapter/ch01