Connotations on the vulnerability of the surgical patient's physical privacy from a nursing perspective

Keywords: Physical intimacy, Surgical patient, Vulnerability (SP8.473.981), Privacy (SP9.020.020.040), Patient (M01.643), Nursing (Q65.030)


Objective: To describe and analyze the connotations on the vulnerability of the physical intimacy of the surgical patient, from the nursing perspective. Method: Qualitative research, with descriptive approach. The subjects of the study were 6 nursing professionals from the Surgical Center of a public hospital in Lambayeque, the sample achieved by saturation had non-probabilistic and convenience sampling. The data collection used a semi-structured interview with virtual modality, validated by expert judgment and pilot study. The data were processed by content analysis. The ethical principles and criteria of scientific rigor were taken into account in the development of the research. Main results: Three categories were obtained: 1) Unavoidable bodily nudity due to surgical intervention. 2) Uncomfortable reactions due to nudity in the act of preparing the surgical area and 3) Situations of breakage and corrections of vulnerability in physical intimacy. Conclusion: The nurses elucidated that the reactions of the surgical patient when perceiving the nudity of his body, externalizes inopportune verbal expressions, feelings and emotions added to fear, nervousness and discomfort, and point out that not all the professionals who intervene in the intraoperative phase show respect for the patient's body and make a call to avoid this behavior.


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How to Cite
Delgado Lopez, L., & Cervera Vallejos, M. F. (2023). Connotations on the vulnerability of the surgical patient’s physical privacy from a nursing perspective. ACC CIETNA: Revista De La Escuela De Enfermería, 9(2), 115-130.