The person and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Keywords: KInter-American Court of Human Rights, Person, Identity, Right to life, Ideology


The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court of Human Rights) has had, within the Inter-American Human Rights System, the important function of guaranteeing respect and protection of human rights of individuals in the face of possible arbitrary action by the States, which may injure, prevent or hinder the exercise of them. Thus, the Court's performance has been for many years, a fundamental instrument for the correct application of the rights embodied in the Convention, which has had as its center of action, the human person. However, in recent years, the Court has taken a quite noticeable turn in relation to the interpretation of the rights that the Convention defines and defends, through sentences in which it has come to disrupt the core of protection of basic and elementary rights, as the right to life, to identity, to non-discrimination, which, according to our analysis, would affect, mainly, the person’s development from an objective and integral view, with the emergence of serious consequences, that would expose the Court to cease being an important mechanism of legal protection to become a mechanism of expansion of ideologies contrary to the person itself.


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Declaraciones/Reservas/Denuncias/Retiros en referencia a la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos. Recuperado de

SENTENCIA DEL CASO ARTAVIA MURILLO Y OTROS (FECUNDACIÓN IN VITRO) VS. COSTA RICA del 28 de noviembre del 2012 Serie C N° 257. Recuperado de

SENTENCIA DEL CASO ATALA RIFFO Y NIÑAS VS. CHILE del 12 de febrero del 2012 Serie C N° 239. Recuperado de

How to Cite
Alburqueque Uceda, S. J. (2018). The person and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Apuntes De Bioética, 1(1), 79-89.
Biolegal, Biopolitics and Human Rights