Characterization of patients receiving palliative care in a private non-hospital unit in El Salvador

  • José Mario Lopez Saca Hospital Nacional "Dr. Juan José Fernández" Zacamil, San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Ancu Tatiana Feng Escobar Universidad José Matías Delgado, San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Flor de Maria Carrillo Hospice La Cima. Centro de Medicina Paliativa, San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Marco Antonio Rodríguez Paz Hospicio La Cima: San Salvador, San Salvador
  • Cecilia Elizabeth Menjivar Deras Hospicio La Cima: San Salvador, San Salvador
Keywords: Palliative Care, Opioids, Symptoms


In El Salvador, access to palliative care is limited. In July 2013, he started a private support and symptom control unit in palliative care. They care for cancer and non-cancer patients at three levels: outpatient consultation, hospitalization in private centers and home care. The objective of this study is to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of the population attended from January 2014 to December 2016 as the first experience of private palliative care in San Salvador.
It is an observational, retrospective and descriptive study, using the population census and clinical records. Where sociodemographic and clinical variables of the patients were collected in an initial assessment by the palliative doctor.
The total of patients was 125. Being 56.8% women with an average age of 72 years. 68% of patients live in San Salvador. 14.4% have private health insurance. 68% received a home consultation. 86.4% of the patients attended suffered from oncological diseases. The most frequent symptoms: weakness 90.4%, lack of appetite 88.8% and pain 76%. The most widely used opioid was morphine 28.8% followed by tramadol 17.6%, oxycodone 8% and fentanyl 8%. 12.8% required palliative sedation. The patients were referred by doctors in 52.8% and by relatives 47.2%.
We present the characteristics of the patients cared for in the private unit and whose results show that when palliative care cares for its principles and basic elements of work, the results are similar to other units in the rest of the world.


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Cuando los cuidados paliativos cuidan sus principios y elementos básicos de trabajo los resultados son similares a otras unidades en el resto del mundo.

De acuerdo con las características observadas en nuestros pacientes, se puede concluir que la población y los profesionales de la salud detectan tardíamente la necesidad de cuidados paliativo en los enfermos avanzados. En este sentido se deben buscar mejores mecanismos de promoción, educación, sensibilización y disponibilidad de opioides en nuestro país, para mejorar la atención en los pacientes que presentan enfermedades crónico-avanzadas.


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How to Cite
Lopez Saca, J. M., Feng Escobar, A. T., Carrillo, F. de M., Rodríguez Paz, M. A., & Menjivar Deras, C. E. (2020). Characterization of patients receiving palliative care in a private non-hospital unit in El Salvador. Apuntes De Bioética, 3(1), 64-71.
Clinical Bioethics and Technoscience