Conscientious objection against euthanasia: a bio-legal analysis

Keywords: Conscientious objection, Euthanasia, Human dignity, Bio-legal


The technological and scientific development has allowed a great development of conscientious objections in the bioethical and bio-legal field, one of them conscientious objection to euthanasia. The current debate around conscientious objection lies in deciding whether the protection of the dictates of conscience, manifested in respect for intimate moral convictions, should be included, or not, in that ethical minimum that the law must protect. In such a way that the recourse to conscientious objection presupposes the existence of a conflict between two clearly legal requirements, since what is debated is whether the imposition or prohibition of a certain conduct should or should not be included in the ethical minimum that any legal order Legal of a Rule of Law must guarantee. The conclusion reached in this article is that conscientious objection is a figure that seeks to preserve the conscience of a minority, of those doctors or health personnel who want to be faithful to their conscience, refusing to carry out the euthanic act. This action has not only a moral but also a legal connotation, which is why conscientious objection is an authentic right that must be protected in every state of law.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Barragán, R. D. J. (2020). Conscientious objection against euthanasia: a bio-legal analysis. Apuntes De Bioética, 3(1), 89-97.
Biolegal, Biopolitics and Human Rights