The transformation of the role of the medical professional

challenges, renewal, and responsibility

Keywords: Medical profession, Medical technology, Medical education


The medical profession, influenced by various historical and contemporary factors, is in constant evolution. Technological advances, social changes, economic factors, and scientific developments have shaped the perception of physicians in society. Ethical self-regulation, along with high-quality medical education, is essential for preparing competent and ethical professionals. 21st-century physicians play a crucial role in healthcare, health education, and health promotion. Despite challenges such as monopoly and elitism, it is argued that these do not necessarily diminish the prestige of the profession and can be ethically addressed. Technology has improved medical diagnosis and treatment, as well as telemedicine, but it poses ethical and privacy challenges. Finding a balance between technology and patient-centered care is essential. Likewise, the increase in bureaucracy in healthcare raises concerns about the quality and efficiency of services, but strategies are being implemented to address these issues and maintain patient-centered professionalism. Medicine is a constantly changing discipline that adapts to a dynamic environment while upholding ethical values and the quality of care. The medical profession will evolve with technological and social advances, and it is crucial to preserve ethics and humanity in future medical practice.


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Author Biographies

Christian Alexander Yataco Wilcas, NeuroZone3D Research Center

MD. Christian Yataco Wilcas
Medical Doctor at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC)
Intern at the Neuro-Microsurgery and 3D Printing Laboratory of the CH LNS PNP 2022-2023
Mentor of the Public Health Group, Scientific Society of Medical Students of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima, Peru 2023
Researcher at the NeuroZone3D Research Center, Lima, Peru

Claudia Magaly Pinto Santos, Public Health Group, Scientific Society of Medical Students of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima, Peru

Claudia Magaly Pinto Santos
Member of the Public Health Group, Scientific Society of Medical Students of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima, Peru
Medical student. Norbert Wiener Private University, Lima, Peru

Lizeth Camila Guillen Celestino, Public Health Group, Scientific Society of Medical Students at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima, Peru.

Lizeth Camila Guillen Celestino
Member of the Public Health Group, Scientific Society of Medical Students of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima, Peru
Medical student. Norbert Wiener Private University, Lima, Peru


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How to Cite
Yataco Wilcas, C. A., Pinto Santos, C. M., & Guillen Celestino, L. C. (2023). The transformation of the role of the medical professional: challenges, renewal, and responsibility. Apuntes De Bioética, 6(2), 68-84.
Clinical Bioethics and Technoscience