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The scientific journal "Apuntes de bioética" of the  Instituto de Bioética of the Universidad Catolica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (Chiclayo, Peru) publishes original and unpublished research articles on topics of bioethics, education, family, clinical bioethics, biolegal and human rights in the open access modality to its content under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) international license that allows copyright to be preserved and encourage greater exchange of knowledge at a global level, which is why all its content is available for free from the first issue without without charge to the user or his institution, users can read, download, copy, distribute, mix or transform the texts of the articles and use them for any lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the editor or the author. The user must acknowledge the authorship of the original creation, visibly and expressly mentioning the author(s) and the magazine.


The scientific journal "Apuntes de Bioética" does not charge any fee for the sending, processing, evaluation and publication (article processing charge - APC) of the articles submitted by the authors.


All articles published in the scientific journal "Apuntes de Bioética" are protected by national and international intellectual property rights. The authors, whose article is approved for publication, retain the copyright and assign the right of first publication to the journal.


The scientific journal "Apuntes de Bioética" has a plagiarism detection policy. All articles are scanned with Turnitin anti-plagiarism software.

The magazine "Apuntes de Bioética" declares the non-acceptance of plagiarism, for this reason it is necessary that all nominated articles be submitted to the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software, to avoid cases of total or partial copying, paraphrasing without proper reference and other practices. of mismanagement and use of information. If the article does not meet the originality criteria, it will not be published in the journal.


The scientific journal "Apuntes de Bioética" has a digital file preservation policy that includes:

  • The OJS System on which the magazine is implemented runs on a virtual server of the "Amazon" Hosting service contracted by the Santo Toribio Catholic University of Mogrovejo - USAT, in addition the university has scheduled the periodic execution of Backups in such a way. which ensures service continuity in the event of a server crash.

  • The journal, when using OJS, provides the PKP-PN (PKP-Preservation Network) tool that allows its contents to be preserved using LOCKSS, which offers a decentralized preservation system distributed among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes, perpetual access without interruptions. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service (such as CLOCKSS or Portico) can be preserved for long-term access.

  • All the metadata of the journal are deposited in the ALICIA National Repository administered by CONCYTEC in Peru.


The scientific journal "Apuntes de Bioética" has a copyright deposit policy and open access self-archiving policy registered with Sherpa / Romeo.


The magazine includes in the Editorial Committee members who belong to institutions other than the Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University, this guarantees editorial openness.

The Arbitration System includes 100% of reviewers external to the Journal's Editorial Team, both national and foreign.

The scientific journal "Apuntes de Bioética" guarantees that 50% of published articles have external institutional affiliation to the Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University.