Study of bioethics scientific production in Spanish on people with disabilities from journals indexed in Scopus
The analysis of scientific production in bioethics related to disability reveals a panorama in which the transition to digital scientific journals has facilitated access to knowledge in Latin America, supported by public policies and principles of openness. However, there is a disparity in the quantity and diversity of studies with a predominance of the English language and a significant concentration in Spain. This highlights the need for greater diversity and equity in scientific production, especially in Latin America. Research addresses a variety of crucial issues, from mental health to access to education and labor inclusion, but faces challenges such as the scarcity of studies in languages other than English and the lack of attention to realities other than the English-speaking one. In conclusion, there is within the reality of scientific research, a predominance of publications in English and a notable concentration of studies in Spain, which underlines the urgent need for greater diversity and equity within Latin American scientific production.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Omar Pezo-Jimenez, Cristina Beatriz Flores-Rosado, Enlil Iván Herrera-Pérez (Autor/a)
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The articles published by the scientific journal "Notes on Bioethics" of the Universidad Catolica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Chiclayo Peru, can be shared through the international public license Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0