Doctor-patient relationship seen from the experience of relatives of terminal cancer patients

Keywords: autonomy, beneficence, medical ethics, hermeneutical phenomenology, paternalism, doctor-patient relationship


The doctor-patient relationship is an important element of medical practice and therefore of medical ethics. Creating a good interpersonal relationship between doctor and patient facilitates communication through empathic interaction, which helps in proper decision making at the end of life and respect for autonomy. The objective of the article is to know, from the experience of the relatives of terminal-stage cancer patients, the relationship that the doctor maintained with the patient based on the doctor-patient relationship models. A qualitative study was carried out that starts from the phenomenological hermeneutical paradigm. Eleven family members and primary caregivers were interviewed and the thematic analysis and van Manen method were used. The results show that the relationship established by the doctors was different depending on the type of hospital. This allows us to know how doctors acted from beneficence, respect for autonomy, and non-maleficence in their relationship with patients. The study of this relationship from various disciplines is important to find areas for improvement in terminal patient care.


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How to Cite
Ordóñez Vázquez, N. A., & Monroy Nasr, Z. (2021). Doctor-patient relationship seen from the experience of relatives of terminal cancer patients. Apuntes De Bioética, 4(2), 107-123.
Bioethics and Family