Models of rationality

decision making in medical triage

Keywords: rationality, triage, utilitarianism, altruism, heuristics


When making decisions, not all possible factors are always taken into account, due to the temporal limitation, either due to biased information, or even more so, the understanding of said information, or because the goals sought are adjusted to specific purposes, within a cloistered framework that may not be properly considered by the function that governs the system and determines how results are weighted, as well as by the context in which decisions take place. The choice of the correct function depends, to a great extent, on the social norms, and also on the possible sanctions that these can be given when talking about its results, so that the maximization of the beneficial results for the purpose of the function is in it struggles with minimizing those harmful to the evaluator. But in medicine, the code of ethics requires that the well-being of the patient be maximized. The ethical dilemma arises when there is a conflict between maximizing well-being and minimizing the expenditure of resources. This is where the problem of decisions arises in medical triage.


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Author Biography

José A. Corbal, Doctorando en Programa de doctorado de Filosofía, Madrid, España

Graduado en Filosofía. Magíster en 'Filosofía teórica y práctica'. Especialidad 'Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia'.

Doctorando en 'Programa de doctorado de Filosofía', en Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).


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How to Cite
Corbal, J. A. (2021). Models of rationality: decision making in medical triage. Apuntes De Bioética, 4(2), 73-97.
Clinical Bioethics and Technoscience